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6 Quick Exercises for Hot Arms and Abs

Check it these compound moves will get you sexy arms faster than those old one-spot-at-a-time sets. "Maximizing the number of muscles that you use is a better return on your rep-vestment," says Noah Neiman, a master trainer at Barry's Bootcamp in New York City who has a devoted—and carved—following. Do three rounds of his circuit using five- to 12-pound dumbbells; the lighter ones are for shoulder presses, the heavier for curls. To net even more toning, go slow as you lower the weights. The tight abs and tush you also score? Icing!

1.       Arnold V-Sit
                 Targets shoulders, biceps, triceps, and abs

§  Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat, holding a dumbbell in each hand by hips, palms up. Lean back 45 degrees and lift feet (shins parallel to floor).
§  Maintaining V-sit, curl weights to shoulders; press weights overhead, rotating arms out to a goalpost position and then extending them toward ceiling, palms facing forward.
§  Reverse motion to lower weights to start.
§  Do 15 to 20 reps.

2.       Multicurl
                Targets back, shoulders, and biceps

§  Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in front of thighs, palms facing forward.
§  Quickly curl weights to shoulders, then, keeping elbows close to sides, rotate bent arms out to sides so that arms form a W with palms facing forward.
§  Rotate arms back to curl position, then lower. Do 10 reps.
§  Next, do 10 full biceps curls, quickly lifting weights to shoulders and then slowly lowering them to thighs.
§  Finally, start with elbows bent 90 degrees by sides, forearms parallel to floor. Quickly curl weights nearly to shoulders; lower to 90 degrees. Do 10 reps.
§  Do series 3 to 4 times.

3.       Burning Bridge
                Targets chest, triceps, butt, and hamstrings

§  Lie faceup on floor, knees bent and feet flat, holding dumbbells with arms bent by sides so that forearms are perpendicular to floor and palms face each other; lift hips (bridge position).
§  Maintaining bridge, do a chest press, extending arms straight up and then lowering them. Repeat press 2 more times.
§  At top of third chest press, keep upper arms steady and bend elbows to lower weights by ears. Extend arms upward again and repeat 2 more times. Lower arms to start.
§  Complete series 4 to 6 times.

4.       Crocodile Crow
Targets back, shoulders, biceps, and abs

§  Holding a dumbbell in right hand, stand with feet staggered wide, left foot in front of right, and hinge forward to place left hand on a bench or chair seat.
§  Reach right hand down to outside of left shin (right shoulder faces left).
§  Drive right elbow behind you, simultaneously rotating body so that chest faces right and dumbbell is by ribs.
§  Reverse motion to starting reach.
§  Do 15 to 20 reps; switch sides and repeat.

5.       Ab-Fab Press
Targets shoulders and abs

§  Lie faceup on floor, knees bent and feet flat, holding dumbbells with arms extended toward ceiling, palms facing each other.
§  Keeping arms extended, engage abs and sit up tall with arms overhead.
§  Bend elbows to lower weights to shoulders, then press weights overhead.
§  Slowly lower to start position.
§  Do 12 to 20 reps.
§  MAKE IT EASIER: Perform reps without the weights.

6.       Combat Burpee
Targets back, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, abs, butt, and legs

§  Start with left foot staggered in front of right, and fists in front of chest.
§  Do 4 punches, alternating hands, then crouch down and place palms on floor in front of feet.
§  Jump feet back into plank position, then do a push-up.
§  Jump feet forward toward hands and stand up, returning to staggered stance (try to switch foot position for second half of reps). Repeat.